
What Does a Pediatric Dentist Do? Huntington Park

Pediatric dentistry is an approach to oral health care where all your needs can be met at every stage of life. Babies, children, and teenagers have different dental needs at different points in time. A qualified pediatric dentist is skilled in providing comprehensive oral care for both baby teeth and permanent teeth, as well as any tooth restorations or replacements your child may require at any point in life. 

What to Expect

Like general dentists, your kid’s dentist focuses on ensuring good oral hygiene and optimal condition of your teeth. However, this dental professional can address the unique needs of children for a number of conditions. Common procedures include:

  • Regular professional cleanings 
  • Dental fillings and crowns 
  • Gum disease treatment 
  • Tooth extraction 
  • Root canal therapy 
  • Tooth replacement 
  • Orthodontic care

The American Dental Association recommends that you take your child for a dental checkup as soon as the first tooth appears, or by the first birthday. This is important to prevent the most common dental problem for children, early childhood cavities, and other oral issues that can affect your child’s smile, especially by the age of four years. 

As you prepare for your child’s first visit to the pediatric dentist, you should create a list of any medical conditions, current medications, and allergies your child has. You should also note down your pediatrician’s contact information in case the dentist needs more information. In addition, it’s important to note down any harmful dental habits that your child has picked and may affect his/her smile in the long run. Sucking habits, whether it’s a finger, bottle, or pacifier may adversely affect the development of primary teeth and the jaw, and should be corrected as early as possible. 

Dental visits also provide the opportunity to learn about the best oral hygiene practices. Depending on your child’s age when visiting the dentist, there are different things you may want to learn about taking care of his/her mouth. This is an important time to find out about preventative oral care, including proper brushing technique, flossing, diet, the use of sealants, fluoride treatments, and so on. 

Schedule Your Appointment

By finding a qualified pediatric dentist near you, you can have peace of mind that all your children’s oral health needs will be met under one roof, with consistent dental history. 

Schedule your child’s appointment by contacting your children’s dentist in Huntington Park today!

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2 Locations to Choose From

  • Los Angeles Location

    5877 S. Vermont Ave
    Los Angeles, CA 90044
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  • Huntington Park Location

    W. 2321 E Florence Ave #103, Huntington Park, CA 90255
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